一般社団法人資源・素材学会 平成31(2019)年度春季大会

講演情報(2019年1月23日付 確定版)



2019年3月8日(金) 09:00 〜 11:45 第1会場 (6号館 3階 631講義室)

司会:才ノ木 敦士(熊本大学)、羽柴 公博(東京大学)

11:30 〜 11:45

[3K0101-10-10] Seismic efficiencyを考慮した誘発地震深度と動摩擦係数の関係性の検討

○才ノ木 敦士1、廣濵 千明1 (1. 熊本大学)

司会:才ノ木 敦士(熊本大学)、羽柴 公博(東京大学)


Due to the depletion of shallow ore deposits, mining depths have been increasing around the world, posing the risk of induced seismicity. Although the numerical simulation of induced seismicity has been intensively performed to estimate its risk, an accurate estimation of seismic source parameters has not yet been achieved. This is mainly attributed to the difficulty in estimating the mechanical properties of the causative fault. Specifically, it is quite challenging to determine the critical slip-weakening distance Dc and the coefficient of kinetic friction µd, which directly pertain to the dynamic slip-weakening behaviour during fault-slip, thus influencing the magnitude and intensity of the simulated seismic event. The present study addresses this issue by considering seismic efficiency η. Seismic efficiency is defined as the ratio of seismically radiated energy to total potential energy change during seismic event and is known to be less than 0.06, irrespective of event magnitudes. In this study, induced seismicity was simulated with a slip-dependent constitutive law, using a 3D numerical model whilst varying the depth of the source location. It was found from the analysis results that η steadily increases with the increasing depth when Dc and µd are kept constant. This indicates that the assumption that Dc and µd are independent of the depth is incorrect, i.e. either of the parameters should vary depending on the in-situ stress state. In light of this result, further numerical analyses were performed whilst calibrating µd and Dc for each depth so that the condition of η ≈ 0.06 is maintained. The result was then compared to laboratory experiments conducted in previous studies, giving an insight into how the properties of the fault varies with the depth. The obtained knowledge contributes to placing a constraint on the mechanical properties of faults when performing the numerical simulation of induced seismicity.




