
講演情報(2021年8月18日付 確定版)


【企画講演/募集型企画】 最近の石炭等エネルギー資源の開発・利用の動向

2021年9月15日(水) 08:30 〜 11:55 第1会場 (Webex)

司会:大川 浩一(秋田大学)、菅井 裕一(九州大学)、濵中 晃弘(九州大学)

11:25 〜 11:40

[2K0101-11-10] コールベットメタンの増進回収を目的とした石炭へのガス吸着に関する研究

○タンバリア テオドラノエリー1、菅井 裕一1 (1. 九州大学)

司会:濵中 晃弘(九州大学)


Gas injection for enhanced coal bed methane (ECBM) considered as effective method due to coal absorb gas emissions storage and can release methane contained in coal for use. This research is to provide state-of-the-art research developments in gas adsorption for enhanced coal bed methane. The presence of moisture and ash yield will block gas adsorption into coal. Coal composed with higher percentage of vitrinite and liptinite macerals will react to CO2 adsorption. The coalification process makes changes in the coal pores and due to that different rank of coal shows different adsorption reaction. Bituminous coal rank has higher potential for ECBM due to thermogenic gas and variative pore size. Pure gas and mixed gas commonly used for ECBM. CO2 was the most effective gas for enhanced coal bed methane and CO2 and N2 mixed gas cannot be used as carbon capture and storage (CCS) but it is very effective to increasing coal permeability and lead to increases the methane production. Low temperature N2 adsorption (LTNA) can detect macropore and mesopore meanwhile CO2 adsorption can detect micropore on coal. Calculation of adsorption on coal was carried out experimentally and modeling. Experimentally, it is generally done by gravimetric and volumetric methods. The gravimetric method based on microbalance can detect changes due to adsorption of weight, but this method is very sensitive and cannot be tested in large quantities. Volumetric method test the adsorption in large quantities and using various pressure changes, but difficult to determine the amount of gas adsorbed. The calculation of adsorption using modeling can be done by several methods, but the modeling method ignores the physical mechanisms in coalbeds. The effect of gas adsorption is highly dependent on temperature and pressure where the maximum swelling by coal adsorption for CO2 injection.




