一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2022年度 春季大会

講演情報(2022年1月28日付 確定版)


【一般講演】 開発機械/ 岩盤工学/ 資源経済と社会システム/ 資源開発技術

2022年3月7日(月) 13:00 〜 17:00 第2会場 (Webex)

司会:濵中晃弘 (九州大学),玉村修司 (幌延地圏環境研究所),福田大祐 (北海道大学)

14:20 〜 14:40

[1K0209-19-05] (学生発表:修士課程) The influence of different distribution-based strength heterogeneity on the properties of high-temperature rocks (岩石の強度不均質性が高温条件下の岩石破壊挙動に及ぼす影響)

○ZIYANG ZHOU1, Hitoshi Mikada1, Junichi Takekawa1, Shibo Xu1 (1. Kyoto University)

司会:濵中晃弘 (九州大学),玉村修司 (幌延地圏環境研究所)

キーワード:Strength heterogeneity, geothermal energy, Distinct element method

As the global population continues to grow, the electricity demand is increasing sharply. On this behalf, geothermal energy has become one of the most promising renewable energy resources because of its huge reserves. For highly efficient development and production of geothermal energy, mechanical behavior of rock mass at high temperatures is an important factor. As indicated by previous scholars, strength heterogeneity of rock mass has large influence on the failure behavior. However, the effect of the heterogeneity on the mechanical behavior of rock under high temperature still remains as unsolved issues. Therefore, additional studies related to the mechanical behavior including failure are further required.
To better utilize the geothermal resources stored in high-temperature rocks, we simulate failure behavior of rock under high temperature with different strength distributions using the distinct element method (DEM). In DEM simulation, the bond strength is distributed by the normal and Weibull distribution. As the results, the strength heterogeneity has also large influence on the failure behavior of rock although its effect decreases gradually with increasing temperature.




