一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2022年度 春季大会

講演情報(2022年1月28日付 確定版)


【企画講演/募集型企画】 粉体精製工学部門委員会「学生賞セッション」

2022年3月7日(月) 13:00 〜 16:50 第3会場 (Webex)

司会:芳賀一寿(秋田大学),晴山 渉(岩手大学),柴山 敦(秋田大学)

14:20 〜 14:35

[1K0306-15-05] (学生発表:修士課程) 硫化鉱物浮選への利用を目的とした新規捕収剤の開発と浮選特性

○趙 佳1、芳賀 一寿1、山田 学1、柴山 敦1 (1. 秋田大学)

司会:晴山 渉(岩手大学)

キーワード:新規捕収剤 、浮選、 硫化鉱物

In recent years, the ore grade has deteriorated by a problem that contains a large amount of impurities. The impurities containing minerals have similar structures and properties to typical minerals. Therefore it is difficult to separate from the target mineral. Sulfide ore is the specific mineral of non-ferrous metals, and collectors are the core technology of the comprehensive recovery of sulfide ores. In order to improve flotation efficiency for complex sulfide ore, novel flotation collectors need to be developed. This study considers the possibility of recovery improvement of sulfide ores without significantly changing the conventional production process. We focused on synthesizing several compounds that can be developed as collectors and used them for the flotation of sulfide ore under different conditions to test their flotation properties. And for comparison, flotation of conventional collectors such as Xanthate under the same conditions was also investigated.




