
講演情報(2022年7月27日付 確定版)


【一般講演】資源経済と社会システム/ 資源開発技術

2022年9月7日(水) 09:00 〜 12:00 第4会場 (A25)


11:20 〜 11:40

[2401-08-07] (学生発表:修士課程)Research on the relationship between submarine landslides and tsunami by particle method

○Xinghao Jiao1, Hitoshi Mikada1, Junichi Takekawa1, Shibo Xu1 (1. Kyoto University)


キーワード:landslide, tsunami, SPH-DEM, fluid-solid coupling algorithm

Submarine landslides and induced tsunamis are catastrophic and destructive geological disasters. They always result in devastating consequences. The generation process of the tsunami caused by submarine landslides is a complex interaction of fluid and solid phases, and traditional numerical approaches cannot describe it well. The Smooth Particle Hydrodynamics (SPH) and Discrete Element Method (DEM) coupled methods are correspondingly applied in the numerical model to analyze the coupling behavior between fluid and solid. Based on SPH, a density diffusion term is introduced to eliminate the numerical noise of the pressure field. In addition, the coupling of these two methods could feasibly tackle the interaction between fluid and solid, which can be effectively utilized for the simulation of the tsunami caused by submarine landslides. According to the research results of this study, the SPH-DEM coupling methods are applicable for simulating submarine landslides and tsunamis. They are possible as a fundamental study for analyzing the relationship between the submarine landslide and the tsunami.




