
講演情報(2022年7月27日付 確定版)


【一般講演】 岩盤工学/ 資源開発技術

2022年9月7日(水) 13:00 〜 16:20 第4会場 (A25)


15:40 〜 16:00

[2409-17-08] (学生発表:博士課程)Full-waveform inversion with the accelerated augmented Lagrangian method in the frequency domain

○Jiahang Li1, Hitoshi Mikada1, Junichi Takekawa1, Shibo Xu1 (1. Kyoto University)


キーワード:Misfit function, Accelerated Augmented Lagrangian method, Optimization

Full-waveform inversion (FWI) has attracted attention in the exploration of geophysics society due to its high resolution. However, the accuracy performance of the conventional FWI is sensitive to the initial model configuration. The inversion process converts quickly to a local minimum if the initial model is not accurate enough. To address this drawback, we consider a modified approach: the Lagrangian Augmented Accelerated Method (AALM) algorithm adopting adaptive parameter elements. The numerical example of the Marmousi II model is compared between the conventional FWI and our advanced AALM algorithm. It is noted that saving the merit of Iteratively-refined wavefield reconstruction inversion (IR-WRI), the iteration speed of our AALM is much faster than the conventional counterpart, which increases the computational efficiency significantly.




