一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2023年度 春季大会

講演情報(2023年2月3日付 確定版)


【一般講演】 開発機械/資源開発技術/資源経済と社会システム

2023年3月13日(月) 13:00 〜 15:40 第1会場 (6号館 1階 614)

司会:村上 拓馬(幌延地圏環境研究所),里見 知昭(東北大学)

15:00 〜 15:20

[1K0101-07-06] (学生発表:修士課程) Wi-Fi Ad-Hoc Mode-based Wireless Sensor Network in Underground Mine Tunnels

○ダニエル マルガザール1、池田 啓1、鳥屋 剛毅1、安達 毅1、フェデリス スオリネリ2、川村 洋平3 (1. 秋田大学、2. ナザルバイエフ大学、3. 北海道大学)

司会:里見 知昭(東北大学)

キーワード:Underground mine communication、Wireless sensor network、Wi-Fi Ad-hoc

Recent development in sensors enables them to be more energy-efficient and more productive in cost, coverage area, and data transmission. WSNs (Wireless sensor networks) play a substantial role in implementing IoT (Internet of Things). In underground mines, WSNs are used to increase both the productivity and efficiency of mining operations. Application of WSNs based on Wi-Fi ad-hoc technology can substantially influence current underground mining operations by introducing a cheap reliable data transmission tool that will be able to deliver monitoring data to decision-making centers in seconds. The current state of underground WSNs is moving towards sensor miniaturizing and increasing their energy efficiency and cost efficiency. WSN nodes allow users to access the collected data within seconds after measurements, subsequently optimizing operations and safety to new levels. However, most of the existing underground WSN nodes are located either in static locations or on vehicles to provide a stable power supply. This research tests the performance of Wi-Fi Ad-hoc technology to transmit the data by using battery-powered mobile WSN nodes. Wi-Fi Ad-hoc mode is a type of Wi-Fi wireless communication that uses Wi-Fi Direct technology to build a self-organizing network between nodes using mesh topology, where data can hop between nodes until it reaches a sink node. WSN nodes are deployed in a deterministic scenario to increase the coverage area of an individual node. Monitored data is collected from the sensor within a given time frame and sent through the WSN until it reaches the sink node. The RSSI, throughput, and latency parameters are measured for the assessment of the network.
  Research results show that the Wi-Fi Ad-hoc mode technology can be used as a reliable tool to transfer data in underground mine conditions. New energy-efficient microcomputers, sensors, and the introduction of advanced Wi-Fi protocols make battery-powered sources more reliable and efficient.




