一般社団法人資源・素材学会 2023年度 春季大会

講演情報(2023年2月3日付 確定版)


【企画講演】 粉体精製工学部門委員会「学生賞セッション」

2023年3月13日(月) 13:00 〜 16:45 第3会場 (6号館 2階 621)

司会:飯塚 淳(東北大学),松岡 光昭(関西大学),村山 憲弘(関西大学)

14:50 〜 15:05

[1K0301-10-07] (学生発表:修士課程) Selective Flotation of Fluorite from Calcite using Sodium Humate as a Depressant

○Efendi Rihan1、Farahat Mohsen 2、 Miki Hajime1、Wisnu Suyantara GDE Pandhe 1、Sasaki Keiko1 (1. Kyushu University, Japan、2. Central Metallurgical Research and Development Institute, Egypt)

司会:松岡 光昭(関西大学)

キーワード:Fluorite、Calcite、Sodium Oleate、Sodium Humate

Fluorite deposits in the world are mainly assorted into four types which one of them is calcite-fluorite layered deposits in sedimentary rocks. Fluorite is an important non-metallic mineral, which is the main source of industrial fluorine. Because both of them have similar chemical surface it is make so difficult to separate them using froth /flotation, that is why depressant is needed to change surface characterization of calcite in order to have different hydrophobicity with fluorite. Sodium humate was used to depress calcite in order to separate from fluorite using froth flotation. Sodium oleate (NaOl) was studied as a collector for fluorite flotation.
The wettability measurement showed that sodium humate has strong effect to depress calcite and only a little effect on fluorite. Zeta potential showed that fluorite with sodium oleate compared to fluorite with depressant and sodium oleate is almost same, then calcite with sodium oleate compared to calcite with depressant and sodium oleate is different, this means depressant could prevent adsorption of sodium oleate on calcite but could not prevent adsorption sodium oleate on fluorite. Laboratory scale flotation test showed that advantageous using depressant could depress calcite floatability but could not depress fluorite floatability.




