MMIJ Annual Meeting 2023

Presentation information (2023/02/03 Ver.)

General Session

(General session) Mineral Processing / Recycling

Wed. Mar 15, 2023 1:00 PM - 4:30 PM Room-3 (Fl.2.,Build. 6. 621)

Chairperson : Mayumi Ito (Hokkaido University), Kazutoshi Haga (Akita University), Naoto Hayashi (AIST)

1:40 PM - 2:00 PM

[3K0307-16-03] Investigation of sodium sulfite as a depressant for selective flotation of copper sulfide minerals from arsenic-bearing copper mineral

○Gde Pandhe Wisnu - Suyantara1,2, Hajime Miki1, Tsuyoshi Hirajima1, Keiko Sasaki1,2, Daishi Ochi3, Yuji Aoki3 (1. Department of Earth Resources Engineering, Kyushu University, 2. Kyushu University Institute for Asian and Oceanian Studies, 3. Sumitomo Metal Mining, Co., Ltd.)

Chairperson : Mayumi Ito (Hokkaido University)

Keywords:selective depressant, sodium sulfite, arsenic-bearing copper minerals, copper sulfide minerals

This study investigates the potential of sodium sulfite as a depressant in the selective flotation of copper sulfide minerals (i.e., chalcopyrite and bornite) from arsenic-bearing copper minerals (i.e., enargite and tennantite). Flotation experiments were performed using pure minerals to evaluate the effect of sodium sulfite. Flotation results show that the sodium sulfite exhibited a selective depressing effect on the floatability of copper sulfide minerals in the presence of a flotation collector. On the contrary, the flotation recovery of arsenic-bearing copper minerals remained high after being treated with various concentration of sodium sulfite. These flotation results demonstrated that selective separation of copper sulfide minerals from arsenic-bearing copper minerals is possible using sodium sulfite. A mechanism is proposed to explain the selective depressing effect of sodium sulfite using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.




