1:40 PM - 2:00 PM
[3K0307-16-03] Investigation of sodium sulfite as a depressant for selective flotation of copper sulfide minerals from arsenic-bearing copper mineral
Chairperson : Mayumi Ito (Hokkaido University)
Keywords:selective depressant, sodium sulfite, arsenic-bearing copper minerals, copper sulfide minerals
This study investigates the potential of sodium sulfite as a depressant in the selective flotation of copper sulfide minerals (i.e., chalcopyrite and bornite) from arsenic-bearing copper minerals (i.e., enargite and tennantite). Flotation experiments were performed using pure minerals to evaluate the effect of sodium sulfite. Flotation results show that the sodium sulfite exhibited a selective depressing effect on the floatability of copper sulfide minerals in the presence of a flotation collector. On the contrary, the flotation recovery of arsenic-bearing copper minerals remained high after being treated with various concentration of sodium sulfite. These flotation results demonstrated that selective separation of copper sulfide minerals from arsenic-bearing copper minerals is possible using sodium sulfite. A mechanism is proposed to explain the selective depressing effect of sodium sulfite using X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy.