日本昆虫学会第84回大会・第68回日本応用動物昆虫学会大会 合同大会



[PS02] ポスター発表(学生B:コアタイム2)

2024年3月30日(土) 12:30 〜 13:30 桜(学生) (桜)

[PS02-48] Investigating the virulence and sublethal effects of Beauveria pseudobassiana on oral administration to adult Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi

◯フーサイン シカンダー1、嘉糠 洋陸3、小池 正徳1、相内 大吾2 (1. 帯畜大・環微研、2. 帯畜大・GAMRC、3. 慈恵会医科大・熱帯医学)

Entomopathogenic fungi (EPF) effectively control insecticide-resistant mosquito populations. Potential of EPF for oral infection in adult mosquitoes remain unexplored. In this study, we used 5 highly virulent isolates on integument infection of mosquitoes, and they were assessed by oral administration to Aedes aegypti and Anopheles stephensi. After checking pathogenicity, Beauveria pseudobassiana 42-51 is administered orally to evaluate sub-lethal effects on both adult mosquito species. Fifty-nine % and 46 % reduction of blood feeding were recorded in Ae. aegypti and An. stephensi respectively. The number of egg laying significantly reduced 56 % (Ae. aegypti) and 60 % (An. stephensi). Poor and abnormal follicle development was observed in both mosquito species. Behavioral change on odor (CO2) attraction was observed and 39-38 % reduction of attraction rate was recorded. Our study shows that B. pseudobassiana 42-51 can control both mosquito species as direct lethal effect, and it has potential of sub-lethal effects via oral infection.