4:10 PM - 4:20 PM
○Ryoya Takahashi1, Keiko Odera1 (1. Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Toho Univ.)
Sun. Mar 26, 2023 4:10 PM - 6:10 PM [Room D] Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education: S2 (Bldg. S: 2F)
Organizer: Ryoya Takahashi, Yoshikazu Higami
Various animal species such as yeast, nematodes, flies, fish, mice, rats, and monkeys are used for basic research on the mechanisms and regulation of aging and age-related diseases.
Although the lifespan and aging characteristics of each animal species are different, some common age-related changes at the molecular level are observed. On the other hand, recent gene modification technology has made a great contribution to the understanding of the molecular mechanisms of aging and age-related diseases. However, the aging characteristics of genetically modified animals, such as knockout mice, do not necessarily match those of normal animals, and this gave a glimpse of the difficulty of extrapolating them to humans.
In this symposium, I will first explain the purpose of the symposium and touch on the multifaceted aging of experimental animals (Organizer, R. Takahashi, Toho Univ.) Next, we will ask researchers in each specialized field to introduce the effectiveness and issues of intervention research by genetic modification and dietary restriction for the purpose of elucidating the onset mechanism of aging-related diseases (Assoc. Prof. Y. Tsuchiya, Toho Univ.; Prof. K. Shimokawa, Nagasaki Univ.; Prof. Y. Higami, Tokyo Univ. Sci.). At the end of this symposium, Prof. S. Goto (Juntendo Univ.), who has been involved in basic research on aging for many years, will talk about the difference between aging and diseases, model animals, theories of aging, and then discuss about the question of whether biological aging can be cured. This symposium will provide a good opportunity for discussion on the mechanisms of aging based on scientific knowledge for today and the future.
4:10 PM - 4:20 PM
○Ryoya Takahashi1, Keiko Odera1 (1. Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Toho Univ.)
4:20 PM - 4:45 PM
○Yuichi Tsuchiya1,2, Takao Seki2, Hiroyasu Nakano2, Minoru Tanaka3, Ryoya Takahashi1 (1. Fac. of Pharm. Sci., Toho Univ., 2. Fac. of Med. Toho Univ., 3. Natl. Center Global Health Med.)
4:45 PM - 5:10 PM
○Isao Shimokawa1 (1. Nagasaki Univ. Grad. School of Biomed. Sci.)
5:10 PM - 5:35 PM
Yuka Nozaki1, Masaki Kobayashi3, ○Yoshikazu Higami1,2 (1. Tokyo Univ. of Sci., Pharm. Sci., 2. Tokyo Univ. of Sci, Res. Inst. Biomed. Sci., 3. Ochanomizu Univ., Fac. Human Life & Environ. Sci.)
5:35 PM - 6:00 PM
○Sataro Goto1 (1. Tokyo Metropol. Inst. Gerontol.)
総合討論 (6:00 PM - 6:10 PM)
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