はじめに(趣旨説明):山本 美智子(熊本大院薬) (2:00 PM - 2:05 PM)
Session information
[S21] Are the Japanese people getting the information they need?
How public drug information for patients should be provided and toward its improvement
Sun. Mar 26, 2023 2:00 PM - 4:00 PM [Room G2] Conference Hall (1F)
Organizer: Michiko Yamamoto, Tsugumichi Sato
Information on pharmaceuticals is abundant in the media and on the Internet, and there are concerns about the impact of inaccurate information on health. Proper use of pharmaceuticals is an urgent issue. To this end, sufficient communication to patients is necessary, taking into account the risk-benefit balance of pharmaceuticals. However, has the drug information infrastructure for the public been sufficiently developed? Drug Guides for Patients (DGPs), which should be the basis of information, have been prepared only for those with risk management plans and serious side effects, and are provided to patients and their families for their correct understanding and early detection of serious side effects of prescription drugs. However, the utilization and dissemination of DPGs is far from sufficient. The results of user testing of DGPs have revealed the problem. Based on overseas efforts and previous studies, we believe that a broad and drastic discussion is needed among the parties concerned on the desirable way of sharing medical and drug information in society. Efforts and provision that take into account the needs of patients, health literacy, and, in the future, digital health literacy are also required. The government, companies, academia, and patients will discuss the future direction of provision of information for patients and how such information should be provided, in order for it to be reborn as user-friendly drug information in Japan.
2:05 PM - 2:25 PM
○Tsugumichi Sato1 (1. Fac. Pharm. Sci., Tokyo Univ. Sci.)
2:25 PM - 2:45 PM
○Junko Takahashi1 (1. Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare)
2:45 PM - 3:05 PM
○Satoshi Takita1 (1. The Federation of Pharmaceutical Manufacturers' Associations of JAPAN)
3:05 PM - 3:25 PM
○Jugo Hanai1 (1. Medical Care and Human Rights Network)
3:25 PM - 3:45 PM
○Michiko Yamamoto1 (1. Grad. Sch. of Pharm. Sci., Kumamoto Univ.)
ディスカッション・総括:佐藤 嗣道(東京理大薬) (3:45 PM - 4:00 PM)