The 143rd Annual Meeting of the Pharmaceutical Society of Japan (Sapporo)

Session information


[S49] Frontiers in structural biology toward drug discovery

Tue. Mar 28, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM [Room B1] Institute for the Advancement of Higher Education: N1 (Bldg. N: 1F)

Organizer: Haruo Ogawa, Umeharu Ohto

Recent advances in cryo-electron microscopy enable us to resolve many tertiary structures of challenging-proteins, including membrane proteins, which are closely related to drug discovery, and we now understand the physiological functions of these molecules at the atomic level. Drastic advancements of structure-based drug design are expected in the near future. This symposium aims to bring together five of Japan's top membrane protein researchers to share their latest results with the audiences. Dr. Ohto, University of Tokyo, will talk about the structure of the receptor crucial for hepatitis B virus entry; Dr. Tsutsumi, Okayama University, will talk about mechanism of Janus kinase activation by cytokines and tumorigenic mutations; Dr. Nishizawa, Yokohama City University, will talk about the substrate recognition mechanism of "non-conventional" P-type ATPase transporters; Dr. Abe, Nagoya University, will talk about P-type ATPases transporting cations; Dr. Ogawa, Kyoto University, will talk about structural basis for Ca2+-induced opening of cardiac ryanodine receptor. All of which are membrane proteins closely related to drug discovery. We hope that this symposium will provide an opportunity to consider the importance of structural studies of protein in the pharmaceutical sciences.




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