SEA2021 in Tokyo


We plan to hold all sessions in a format of real time online basically without video presentations. In order to facilitate your presentation, your slot in the program will be allocated by considering your research topic as well as your time zone.

Program will be announced by later April, 2021.

Program of all presentations including plenary sessions is available.
Program overview and details:
- [v0420] open the program
- [v0426] modify session 8-A
- [v0510] modify session 4-B, and discustants of 3-A and 7-A
- [v0521] modify session 7-A
For each presentation, a discusstant will be allocated. When the program is announced, please send your paper or slide to your discusstant and the session chair well ahead of the conference.
Time Zone:
The official time zone of the conference is Japan Standard Time (JST: GMT+09:00).
The official language of the conference is English.