The 74th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society

Presentation information


A Wood anatomy, wood formation and tissue culture

A Wood anatomy, wood formation and tissue culture

Thu. Mar 14, 2024 9:15 AM - 10:30 AM A Wood anatomy, wood formation and tissue culture (International Conference Hall)

[A14-P-30] Relationships between phenolic compound contents and heartwood color in Juglans mandshurica var. sachalinensis

○Gustav Takahiro Ino1, Nagi Shibayama2, Rei Makino3, Koh Hashida3, Miho Kojima3, Hisashi Abe3, Koh Yasue4, Makoto Kobayashi5, Toshiya Yoshida5, Naoki Takahashi6, Ryo Funada7, Satoshi Nakaba7 (1. Sch.,Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech., 2. Kyoto Univ., 3. FFPRI, 4. Shinshu Univ., 5. Hokkaido Univ., 6. Nakagawa-cho, Hokkaido, 7. Grad.,Tokyo Univ. of Agri. and Tech.)

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