The 74th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society

Presentation information


I Wood-based materials and adhesion

I Wood-based materials and adhesion

Wed. Mar 13, 2024 3:30 PM - 5:00 PM Room6 (W406)

Chair:Hiroshi Nonaka, Kei Maeda

3:45 PM - 4:00 PM

[I13-06-1545] Thermal conductivity and its variation of veneer and multi-layered veneer specimens measured by flat plate comparison method

○Katsutoshi Matsuura1, Yuko Tsunetsugu2, Nobuhiro Asakura3, Kei Maeda4, Kohta Miyamoto4, Tatsuya Shibusawa4 (1. Sch. Agr., The Univ. of Tokyo, 2. Grad. Agr., The Univ. of Tokyo, 3. Hokkaido Inst., 4. FFPRI)

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