The 74th Annual Meeting of The Japan Wood Research Society

Presentation information


M Extractives

M Extractives / minor component

Thu. Mar 14, 2024 11:00 AM - 12:15 PM M Extractives (International Conference Hall)

[M14-P-11] Efficient extraction of non-volatile terpenes from Abies sachalinensis and Cryptomeria japonica bark −Examination of conditions for solvent extraction−

○Koh HASHIDA1, Takuya Morikawa1, Norihisa Kusumoto1, Naoyuki Matsui1, Fumiaki Kisa2, Minoru Michida2, Junko Miyazaki3, Sayaka Sakai3 (1. FFPRI, 2. Yasuhara Chemical Co., Ltd., 3. Hokkaido Inst.)

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