International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

377件中(311 - 320)

[MEET7-3] Semipolar Micro-LEDs Combined with All-inorganic Encapsulated Perovskite Nanocrystal for Full-color Display Device and Potential VLC Application

Yu-Ming Huang1、Tingwei Lu2、Konthoujam James Singh1、Wansheng Lin2、Yue Lin2、Zhong Chen2、Tingzhu Wu2、*Hao-Chung Kuo1 (1.National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taiwan)、2.Xiamen University (China))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 28 (IDW '21) |2021年12月3日(金) 16:00 〜 16:20 |PDF ダウンロード

377件中(311 - 320)