International Display Workshops General Incorporated Association

377件中(291 - 300)

[MEET5-2(Invited)] Disruptive Infrared Image Sensors Enabled by Quantum Dots

*Pawel E Malinowski1、Jiwon Lee1、Epimitheas Georgitzikis1、Vladimir Pejovic1,2、Itai Lieberman1、Joo-Hyoung Kim1、Myung-Jin Lim1、Griet Uytterhoeven1、Luis Moreno Hagelsieb1、TungHuei Ke1、Yunlong Li1、Renaud Puybaret1、Gauri Karve1、Tom Verschooten1、Steven Thijs1、Paul Heremans1,2、David Cheyns1 (1.imec (Belgium)、2.KU Leuven (Belgium))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 28 (IDW '21) |PDF ダウンロード

[MEET5-2(Invited)] Disruptive Infrared Image Sensors Enabled by Quantum Dots

*Pawel E Malinowski1、Jiwon Lee1、Epimitheas Georgitzikis1、Vladimir Pejovic1,2、Itai Lieberman1、Joo-Hyoung Kim1、Myung-Jin Lim1、Griet Uytterhoeven1、Luis Moreno Hagelsieb1、TungHuei Ke1、Yunlong Li1、Renaud Puybaret1、Gauri Karve1、Tom Verschooten1、Steven Thijs1、Paul Heremans1,2、David Cheyns1 (1.imec (Belgium)、2.KU Leuven (Belgium))

Proceedings of the International Display Workshops Volume 28 (IDW '21) |2021年12月3日(金) 11:10 〜 11:30 |PDF ダウンロード

377件中(291 - 300)