Japan Association for Medical Informatics

551 results (171 - 180)

[3-E-4] Standards for information on pharmaceuticals - let's disucss where we are, what the issues are, and how to approach

*Mihoko Okada1, Kimie Sai2, Yoko Yoshimoto Tyrefors3, Daisuke Koide4, Kazuyuki Ikeda5, Yoshihiro Aoyagi6 (1. Institute of Health Data Infrastructure for All, 2. National Institute of Health Sciences, 3. Uppsala Monitoring Centre, WHO Collaborating Centre for International Drug Monitoring, 4. Dept. of Biostatistics and Bioinformatics, Grad. of Med., Univ. of Tokyo, 5. Nara Medical University Hospital, 6. National Cancer Center Hospital East)

The 43rd Joint Conference on Medical Informatics

551 results (171 - 180)