The Japan Society of Applied Physics

415件中(271 - 280)

[H-4-04] Observation of charge carrier localization-induced negative magnetoresistance at room temperature in helium-ion-irradiated defective graphene

〇Takuya Iwasaki1, Shu Nakamura2, Osazuwa Gabriel Agbonlahor2, Manoharan Muruganathan2, Masashi Akabori2, Yoshifumi Morita3, Satoshi Moriyama1, Shinichi Ogawa4, Yutaka Wakayama1, Hiroshi Mizuta2,5, Shu Nakaharai1 (1. NIMS(Japan), 2. JAIST(Japan), 3. Gunma Univ.(Japan), 4. AIST(Japan), 5. Hitachi Camb. Lab.(UK))

2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |2020年9月29日(火) 12:00 〜 12:15 |PDF ダウンロード

415件中(271 - 280)