The Japan Society of Applied Physics

415件中(301 - 310)

[I-2-02] Current-in-plane spin-valve magnetoresistance in ferromagnetic semiconductor (Ga,Fe)Sb heterostructures with high Curie temperature

〇Kengo Takase1, Le Duc Anh1,2,3, Kosuke Takiguchi1, Masaaki Tanaka1,4 (1. Department of Electrical Eng. and Info. Systems, The Univ. of Tokyo(Japan), 2. Inst. of Eng. Innovation, The Univ. of Tokyo(Japan), 3. PRESTO, Japan Sci. and Tech. Agency(Japan), 4. Center for Spintronics Res. Network (CSRN), The Univ. of Tokyo(Japan))

2020 International Conference on Solid State Devices and Materials |2020年9月28日(月) 16:15 〜 16:30 |PDF ダウンロード

415件中(301 - 310)