JVSS 2023

Presentation information

Topical Symposium

[3Ia01-06] Two-Dimensional (2D) Materials

Thu. Nov 2, 2023 9:30 AM - 12:15 PM I: Room233 (3F)

Chair:Junji Yuhara(Nagoya University), Yukiko Yamada Takamura(Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology)

9:30 AM - 9:55 AM

[3Ia01] Dislocation annihilation in epitaxial silicene formed on diboride thin films

Antoine Fleurence1, *Yukiko Yamada-Takamura1 (1. Japan Advanced Institute of Science and Technology (JAIST))

Two-dimensional (2D) materials formed epitaxially on single-crystal surfaces can have stress domains originating from the lattice mismatch between the lattices of 2D material and substrate surface. Epitaxial silicene sheet formed spontaneously on epitaxial ZrB2(0001) thin film grown on Si(111) substrate has a characteristic domain structure. The domain boundaries are part of continuous, buckled honeycomb lattice which contain partial dislocations. The transformation process of this stripe domains into a “single-domain” upon silicon atom adsorption was revealed in detail by in-situ real time STM observations at room temperature, providing insights into how crystallographic defects can be healed in 2D materials.

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