


VI. 核融合工学 » 601-2 核融合炉材料工学(炉材料,ブランケット,照射挙動)

[2N09-12] 中性子増倍材・遮へい材

2018年9月6日(木) 14:45 〜 15:50 N会場 (D棟 D23)

座長:向井 啓祐(京大)

14:45 〜 15:00

[2N09] Status of R&D of advanced neutron multiplier in ITER-BA activity

(28) Production and characterization of binary-sized Be12V pebbles

*Petr Kurinskiy1, Jae-Hwan Kim1, Yoshiaki Akatsu1, Masaru Nakamichi1 (1. QST, Rokkasho Fusion Institute, Department of Blanket Systems Research, Breeding Functional Materials Development Group)

キーワード:binary pebble bed, vanadium beryllide, granulation, process yield

Beryllium intermetallic compound (berylides) are the most promising materials as advanced neutron multipliers in Japan and the EU in the DEMO R&D on the International Fusion Energy Research Center (IFERC) project as a part of Broader Approach (BA) activities. In this study, process parameters and characterization of binary-sized Be12V pebbles for advanced neutron multiplier will be reported.