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Journal of CPIJ


Sun. Nov 12, 2023 1:10 PM - 2:30 PM 第V会場 (A棟 G35教室)

司会:石神 孝裕(計量計画研究所)、高澤 由美(山形大学)

1:10 PM - 1:30 PM

[129] Population within reach of core areas by hierarchical levels in a broad area

- Toward a city structure that considers fairness

○Taichi Murooka1, Kanta Kumeyama1, Mamoru Taniguchi2 (1. University of Tsukuba Systems amd Information Engineering, 2. University of Tsukuba)

Keywords:Regional disparities, core-areas, hierarchy, reachable area, Wide-area planning

There is concern that areas with access levels below the minimum required for living services may arise due to the lack of core-areas set up in the appropriate locations. On the other hand, an excessive number of core-areas that prioritize fairness can result in a diffusion plan, which requires core-area selection based on objective criteria from wide view. This study introduced a method for extracting core-areas on wide scale and examined the population by core-areas hierarchy. As a result, it was revealed that (1) it is necessary to use automobiles to secure 70% of the coverage population with only upper core-areas such as stations (2) setting lower core-areas such as community facilities can increase the population that can reach core-areas by walking or cycling.