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Parallel Session

[PS14] Parallel Session 14: ASD / ADHD 2

Fri. May 12, 2017 3:40 PM - 5:30 PM Room B (1F Argos C)

Chair: Lakshmi Nagarajan (Princess Margaret Hospital for Children), Yanhui Chen (Fujian Medical University Union Hospital)



Marilyn H Ortiz (Child Neuroscience Center, Philippine Children’s Medical Center, Philippines)

Autism Spectrum Disorder is a biologically based neurodevelopmental disorder, characterized by significant impairments in two domains 1) deficits in social interaction and communication, and 2) restricted repetitive patterns of behavior, interests, activities. It encompasses the previous disorders included under the Pervasive Developmental Disorders in the DSM-IVTR, namely Autistic Disorder, Asperger Disorder, PDD-NOS, and Childhood Disintegrative Disorder. The merging of these disorders into the single entity “Autism Spectrum Disorders” is based on the growing evidence of overlaps among these disorders.
ASD is a fairly common neurodevelopmental disorder, affecting ~ 1% of the population across all age groups. It affects more males than females, with a ratio of 4:1. While typically presenting in early childhood, many of its impairments persist in adulthood, often adversely affecting their QOL.
It is generally accepted that ASD is largely of genetic etiology. Multiple genes act in concert to affect brain development in many areas, particularly those that subserve emotion, language, attention, perception. Recent neuroimaging studies have shown structural and functional connectivity abnormalities in ASD individuals. The role of environment in the etiology of ASD has also been studied, and certain factors, mostly antenatal, have been shown to increase the risk of ASD.
Management of individuals with autism is essentially multidisciplinary. Developmental methods include among others speech, occupational and behavioral therapies, special education, augmentative communication. No pharmacologic agent has been clearly shown to affect the core deficits in ASD. These medications are recommended to address the co-morbid conditions like seizures and psychiatric disorders.