


[P3] ポスター発表3:感情・動機づけ・社会的認知・言語・思考

2019年5月26日(日) 10:00 〜 12:00 セミナー室 (東館2階)

[P3-14] The Influence of Self-Oriented Perfectionism and Neuroticism on Error Processing: an ERP study

*Yaeeun Yang1, Taejin Park1 (1. Chonnam National University)

キーワード:Self-oriented Perfectionism, Neuroticism, Error processing

The Error-Related Negativity(ERN) is a maximum negative deflection at 50–150ms postresponse and Error Positivity(Pe) is a slow positive-going deflection that reaches its maximum amplitude at 150-500ms postresponse. This study examined the influence of Self-Oriented Perfectionism(SOP) and Neuroticism(N) on error processing. Participants were pre-screened to be either high or low scorers on SOP and N. Participants performed an Eriksen flanker task. ERP components measured at Cz were analyzed. High SOP scorers showed more negative ERN than low SOP scorers irrespective of the level of N, whereas low N scorers showed more positive Pe than high N scorers within low SOP scorers. In summary, SOP affects ERN, whereas N affects Pe. These findings suggest that personality trait of SOP modulate error processing. In contrast, SOP and N might influence the later error processing.

論文集原稿 閲覧パスワード認証

