The 102nd CSJ Annual Meeting

Session information

Academic Program [Poster]

11. Organic Chemistry -Structural Organic Chemistry- » Poster

[P1-3vn] 11. Organic Chemistry -Structural Organic Chemistry-

Fri. Mar 25, 2022 4:10 PM - 5:40 PM P1 (Online Meeting)

Takayoshi Ikura1, Miyuki Masaki1, Kazushige Hori1, Koji Kubono1, Tadashi Mori2, Kenta Goto3, Humito Tani3, Takunori Harada4, Keita Tani1 (1. Osaka Kyoiku University, 2. Graduate School of Engineering, Osaka University, 3. Institute for Materials Chemistry and Engineering, Kyushu University, 4. Faculty of Science and Technology, Oita University)

[Lang.] Japanese


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The abstracts will be available on March 9, 2022.


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*Web links for online meeting are shown only during the dates of annual meeting.
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