1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
○Koichi Nakaoka1, Satoshi Muranaka1, Io Yamamoto1, Chihiro Maeda1, Kazuto Takaishi1, Tadashi Ema1 (1. Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama Univ.)
Academic Program [Oral B]
22. Resources Utilization Chemistry, Environmental and Green Chemistry » Oral B
Fri. Mar 24, 2023 1:10 PM - 3:40 PM K207 (K207, Lecture Hall Bldg. [2F])
Chair: Kenji Kitayama, Seiji Yamazoe
1:10 PM - 1:30 PM
○Koichi Nakaoka1, Satoshi Muranaka1, Io Yamamoto1, Chihiro Maeda1, Kazuto Takaishi1, Tadashi Ema1 (1. Grad. Sch. Nat. Sci. Technol., Okayama Univ.)
1:30 PM - 1:50 PM
○Seo Ono1,2, Ryoichi Kanega2, Hajime Kawanami2 (1. University of Tsukuba, 2. AIST)
1:50 PM - 2:10 PM
○Takuya Sagawa1, Atsushi Kondo1, Mineo Hashizume1 (1. Tokyo University of Science)
2:10 PM - 2:30 PM
○Takeru Ohe1, Yurika Yoshimura1 (1. Osaka Research Institute of Industrial Science and Technology)
Break (2:30 PM - 2:40 PM)
2:40 PM - 3:00 PM
○Soichi Kikkawa1, Miori Kataoka1, Seiji Yamazoe1,2 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan Univ., 2. PREST, JST)
3:00 PM - 3:20 PM
○Seiji Yamazoe1,2,3, Soichi Kikkawa1,3, Kazushi Amamoto1, Yu Fujiki1, Jun Hirayama1,3, Gen Kato1, Hiroki Miura1,3, Tetsuya Shishido1,3 (1. Tokyo Metropolitan University, 2. PRESTO, 3. ESICB, Kyoto University)
3:20 PM - 3:40 PM
○Naoko Kobayashi1,2, Tomohiro Hashizume1,3, Keiko Kondo1,4, Masato Katahira1,4, Kenji Kitayama1,3, Takashi Watanabe1,2 (1. Biomass Product Tree Industry-Academia Collaborative Research Laboratory, 2. Research Institute for Sustainable Humanosphere, 3. Daicel Corporation, 4. Institute of Advanced Energy)
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The abstracts will be available on March 9, 2022.
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*** Web links for the hybrid program (Asian International Symposium, The Chemical Record Lecture, and CSJ Public Lecture only) will be displayed during the Annual Meeting.
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