



[3oral501-08] T9.[トピック]カーボンゼロエミッションに貢献する石油天然ガス石炭地質学・有機地球化学

2022年9月6日(火) 09:15 〜 12:00 口頭第5会場 (14号館402教室)

座長:三瓶 良和(島根大学大学院自然科学研究科)、千代延 俊(秋田大学国際資源学研究科)、山口 悠哉(石油資源開発株式会社)

11:30 〜 11:45

[T9-O-7] Methane hydrate formation process in the forearc basin of Southwest Japan: Methane was generated beneath the trench bottom.

*金子 信行1 (1. 産業技術総合研究所)


Methane and iodine are accumulated in pore water of the forearc basins in southwest Japan. 129I dating revealed that the pore water was much older than the host rock, explained to have been derived from an older accretionary prism1). On the other hand, methane is microbial origin, generated in the shallow depth of sedimentary basins2),3). There is no evidence whether methane was derived from the trench-fill sediments fabricating the accretionary prism or generated in the forearc basin. Kaneko4),5) explained methane was generated in the former, and pore water migrated from shallow depth of the younger accretionary prism to the forearc basin, that did not require large-scale advection of a huge amount of pore water. Based on this idea, the model is revised with considering the relationship between geothermal gradient of the basin and the optimum temperature of methanogen, the amount of free methane released by the development of the accretionary prism, and an interpretation of 129I ages and iodine contents.

Main Process
a) Generation of a large amount of microbial methane beneath the trench bottom with a high geothermal gradient.
b) Decreasing of methane solubility by P/T condition changing at the deformation front, generation and migration of free methane, hydrate formation.
c) Continuous supply of free methane to the hydrate layer due to the development of the accretionary prism.
d) Recycling of hydrates and compaction flow of pore water from the accretionary prism to the slope and forearc basins with their development.
e) Formation of dissolved-in-water type natural gas deposit, such as Minami-Kanto gas field, after hydrate dissociation by uplift.
Subordinate process
Additional hydrate formation by supplying methane microbially generated in the forearc and slope basins.
Injection of originally thermogenic gas with changed chemical and isotope compositions as microbial gas during migration6).

1) Tomaru and Fehn, 2015, Geochim. Cosmochim. Acta, 149, 64–78.
2) Kaneko et al., 2002, J. Jap. Assoc. Petrol. Technol, 67, 97-110.
3) Waseda and Uchida, 2004, Resource Geol., 54, 69-78.
4) Kaneko, 2008, AIST GREEN Rep., 63-64.
5) Kaneko, 2009, Soc. Iodine Sci. Rep. 12, 109-110.
6) Kaneko and Igari, 2020, J. Jap. Assoc. Petrol. Technol, 85, 62-73.