International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022


Oral Presentation

Building Disaster Resilient Cities and Communities I

2022年8月19日(金) 09:30 〜 10:45 第3会場 (講義室209(2階))

Hyekyung Lee (KPA)

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10:15 〜 10:30

[046] Tracing the Memories of Past Disasters and Preventive Measures: The Case Study from Minamikomatsu District of Otsu-City, Shiga Prefecture, Japan


キーワード:Disaster memory, Flood experience, Countermeasures, non-structural measures

In recent years, natural disasters such as floods and landslides have increased, and raising awareness of local communities is crucial. The purpose of this study is 1) to understand the disaster-affected areas based on the old pictorial maps of the village, and 2) to identify the traditional countermeasures against local disasters by local people. Two methods were used in this study; analysis of the old pictorial maps drawn around 1650 to 1870, and interview surveys with age around 60 to 90 years old who have past disaster experiences to understand people’s responses to the disasters, and countermeasures. Minamikomatsu district was selected as a study site that has experienced floods or sediment disasters induced by heavy rains and typhoons historically. As a result, old pictorial maps show that areas alongside the Yanomune River got affected by the flood and sediment disasters. It was recorded as a very little productive capacity land that was excluded from the land tax by the feudal lord. According to the interview survey, several disaster countermeasures have been placed to avoid disaster damage and also to warn local residents. However, the wisdom and memories of local disasters are already disappeared or are disappearing from the district.