International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022


Day 1: 18 August 2022

Reception (13:00-)

Opening Ceremony (14:00- 15:15)

  • Opening Address
Prof. Akinori MORIMOTO
President of CPIJ
  • Welcome Address
Prof. Masanari KIMURA
Dean, Institute of Integrated Science and Technology, Nagasaki University
  • Guest Address
Prof. Chan Ho KIM
President of KPA
Prof. Yen-Jong CHEN
President of TIUP
Mr. TRAN Ngoc Chinh
President of VUPDA
  • Keynote Speech
Nagasaki City

Special Session (15:30-17:00)

“Beyond Crisis: What should we do to overcome the crisis?”
Day 2: 19 August 2022

Reception (9:00-)

Paper Presentation (9:30- 16:30)

Closing Ceremony (17:00- 17:45)

  • Closing Remark
Prof. Nobuaki Ohmori, Chairperson of International Affairs Committee, CPIJ
  • YUPN Presentation Award Ceremony
Secretariat of YUPN
  • Announcement for ICAPPS2023
Representative from VUPDA

Note: Lunch time is from 12:15 to 13:30. Executive meeting will be held with online during this time.