International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022


Oral Presentation

Participation and Governance

2022年8月19日(金) 15:15 〜 16:30 第2会場 (講義室109(1階))

Mihoko Matsuyuki (CPIJ)

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15:30 〜 15:45

[039] An Analysis of International Workshops on Sustainable Cities Held Jointly by a Vietnamese and Japanese University

Yoshito DOBASHI, Nobuaki OHMORI, Akio YASUMOR, Anh Tuan NGUYEN, Minh Hai NGUYEN, Viet Hai DO

キーワード:International Workshop, Human Resource Development, Urban Planning

As many new issues are arising in current days, it is necessary to educate students so they can cope with these issues based on multi-disciplinary knowledge and skills. The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology – (DUT) in Vietnam and Utsunomiya University (UU) in Japan have been holding annual workshops from 2018 to 2022. This approach aimed to create opportunities for students to acquire new knowledge, skills, experience, and communication in different situations with students from a different country, culture and discipline. The main purpose of this paper is to review the process and the output of the workshops, whether they were relevant to developing and enhancing students’ knowledge and abilities for urban planning and other academic skills, to confirm the possibility of addressing various socio-economic issues in today’s society.
First, the authors provide a literature review of human resource development and an outline of the workshops they conducted over the last five years. As for the method, the authors analyze the series of five workshops by a questionnaire survey to the students and evaluate them from the aspect of their specialties.
The authors found that responses differed according to students’ nationality, the venue of the workshop, and how the workshop was held (onsite in the other country, onsite in one’s own country, or online). However, on the whole, the workshops proved to be a good opportunity for students to learn new things. From the point of view of faculty, the students performed favorably. Nonetheless, some suggestions were raised for improvement of future workshops.
As a conclusion, the workshops were all in all successful in developing human resources in urban planning, as students acquired knowledge not only by reading or listening like in a classroom, but also by communicating, discussing, seeing and observing actual sites, and exchanging ideas and thoughts with students from a different country and discipline. With improvements in structure and approach as discussed in this paper, the workshop between The University of Danang - University of Science and Technology – (DUT) in Vietnam and Utsunomiya University (UU) in Japan presents an occasion for students to gain a unique experience.