International Conference of Asian-Pacific Planning Societies 2022


Oral Presentation

Building Disaster Resilient Cities and Communities I

2022年8月19日(金) 09:30 〜 10:45 第3会場 (講義室209(2階))

Hyekyung Lee (KPA)

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10:30 〜 10:45

[047] Study on the planning of Fishing Village Environment Improvement Project at Tsunami-prone Area in Japan


キーワード:Fishing Village Environment Improvement Project, Tsunami, Spatial Transformation

This study aims to understand the planning contents of environmental improvement in fishing villages in Iwate Prefecture, which is a Tsunami-prone area. We focus on the "environmental improvement project for a fishing village (EIP). The conclusion of this study is the following. EIPs have mainly focused on small-scale space improvement within the villages, and therefore, EIPs have not drastically improved the safety of the villages to the tsunami disaster.
We analyzed planning documents and conducted interviews to understand the contents of the EIP plans implemented before the Great East Japan Earthquake in Iwate Prefecture and discussed the intent of the EIP plans. We also analyzed the changes in the location of houses in the villages before and after the EIP by using residential maps. Based on this, the impact of the EIP on the spatial transformation of the village was discussed.