11:45 〜 12:00
[009] The Relationships between the Store Survival rates and Visual Street Environments in Seoul, Korea : Using Street View Images and Deep Learning Technologies
キーワード:Commercial area; Survival rate; Visual Street Environment; Street View Images
A commercial area is one where commercial facilities are concentrated within an urban space, is highly accessible, and used frequently by consumers (Huff, 1964). A pedestrian-friendly environment within commercial areas heightens the consumers’ walking access and thus increases stores’ sales and survival (Choi and Shin, 2001). Various existing studies from Korea and globally have conducted empirical studies on the effects of store characteristics and their surrounding macro-scale walkable environments, to determine their sales and survival (Lim et al., 2002; Jung and Sung, 2018). However, there are insufficient empirical studies on the correlation between stores’ survival rates and the micro-scale walkable environment (eye-level) of the surrounding neighborhoods. This study empirically analyzes the correlation between store survival rates in Seoul’s commercial areas with the macro- and micro- walkable environment of the neighborhoods’ streets. To measure the visual walkable environment of streets in the commercial areas, we used deep learning technologies that utilize Google Street View panoramic images for each of Seoul’s street networks. We utilize the spatial lag and multiple regression model to empirically analyze the correlation between store survival rates in commercial areas and the walkable environment characteristics of the streets. Analysis results confirm a difference in the effect of the walkable environment and restaurants’ survival rates of commercial areas, depending on the type of commercial area (i.e., Side-street Commercial Areas vs. Major Commercial Areas) analyzed. The results of this study are expected to be used as basic data for policymakers to vitalize the local commercial areas’ economy by considering the environmental characteristics of commercial areas and improving the walkable environment.