8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)

Exhibition & Sponsorship

Sponsorship Opportunities

We have several sponsorship opportunities for sponsors to promote their companies. Details of available packages/items can be found in “8ICEGE Sponsorship Guidebook.” We accept sponsors from all over the world. If you would like to join us as a sponsor, please download the Guidebook from the link below, then fill in the application form and email it to Registration Secretariat. If you would like to know the details, please send a message to Exhibition Secretariat. 

→ Available booths as of October 27, 2023

8ICEGE Sponsorship Guidebook (in English)

8ICEGE Sponsorship Guidebook (in Japanese)
Example of Cyber Exhibition
Application deadline (2nd call for applications)  
Tuesday, October 31 2023

8ICEGE Registration Secretariat
Email: sponsor8icege@academicbrains.jp
Inquiry for Exhibition
8ICEGE Exhibition Secretariat
Email: tour8icege@gmail.com