8th International Conference on Earthquake Geotechnical Engineering (8ICEGE)


Oral Session

5. Field testing & 6. Laboratory testing

[OS-45] Liquefaction element test

2024年5月10日(金) 14:00 〜 15:30 Room D (10F 1008)

Chairperson: Mark Stringer (University of Canterbury)

14:36 〜 14:48

[OS-45-04] Liquefaction resistance of MICP solidified calcareous sand with carbon fiber

Yi Shan1,2, *Jitong Zhao1,2, Huawei Tong1,2, Jie Cui1,2, Jie Yuan1,2, Rongkang Qiu1 (1. Guangzhou University, 2. Guangdong Engineering Research Center for Underground Infrastructural Protection in Coastal Clay Area)

キーワード:Microbial induced calcite precipitation (MICP), Carbon fiber, Cyclic triaxial test, SEM scanning

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