1:20 PM - 1:40 PM
[EPm-02] Investigation of Fogging Toner by Measurement Technique for Electrostatic Charge on Single Particle with MEMS-based Actuated Tweezers
In situ measurements of charge of fogging toner have been carried out using measurement technique with MEMS-based Actuated Tweezers and AFM cantilever. Because this technique enables picking up single particle and measurement of the charge successively, the technique has great potential for application to the analysis of single isolated toner particles, such as those in fogging. The fogging toners on the flat ITO substrate were generated with several voltage conditions, and the amounts of fogging toners were quantified by image analysis. The relationship between the amount and the charge of fogging toner were analyzed. The results demonstrate that the amount of fogging toners decreases as the charge of fogging toners increases positively.