Imaging Conference JAPAN 2018

Presentation information

Oral presentation


[IJ5.1] Inkjet (5-1) Applications/3D Printing/ Bio Printing

Thu. Jun 21, 2018 9:30 AM - 10:30 AM Conference Room (2nd Floor, Engineering Research Building II)

Session Chair:Hirotoshi Eguchi, Shinichi Nishi(Japan Advanced Printed Electronics Technology Research Association)

10:10 AM - 10:30 AM

[IJ5.1-03] Investigation of Release Agent Coating Method Using Electrostatically Extracted Ink Jet System

Kazuhisa Matsuo1, *Yui Ayasiro1, Yuzou Yamasaki1 (1. Fukuoka Institute of Technology)

In general, inkjet is considered to be a recording technique. However, research is currently being
conducted in many fields such as 3D printers and food related fields.We are investigating releasing agent
coating method using electrostatically extracted inkjet method. A release agent is necessary when taking out
a modeled object in a form. This is to prevent the shape of the model from collapsing. Methods for coating
release agents include manual work and spraying. However, this method has problems such as scattering of
the release agent into the space and contamination of the surroundings.
In this paper, we report various fundamental characteristics such as flight characteristics of release agent.