Imaging Conference JAPAN 2018




[IKo] 画像感性 オーガナイズドセッション

2018年6月19日(火) 15:30 〜 17:00 レセプションホール (けやき会館 三階)

座長:鎰谷 賢治(株式会社リコー)、峯岸 なつ子(コニカミノルタ株式会社)

16:00 〜 16:30

[IKo-02] 個人の“美”イメージの可視化

*内藤 智之1 (1. 大阪大学)

Mental representation of beauty is an important issue of psychology and neuroscience. For example, it was reported that facial attractiveness will have large impact on many human social interactions. In our current studies, with reverse correlation technique, we visualized the beautiful-image-mental-representations of each participant without any a priori assumption. We found that there were large personal deviations in beauty among individuals. We also found that one’s own beauty well estimated magnitude of beauty of others. Our results suggested that using reverse correlation technique, it was possible to visualize the beautiful/ugly image representation of individuals.