第9回 国際ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会




Dear 9th International Health Humanities Conference participants,

Thank you for your participation in the conference, which was scheduled to end on November 15. We were delighted and impressed by the number, the quality, and the variety of presentations submitted, despite the adverse circumstances.

That said, we suspect that many of you feel that you have not had enough time, in the midst of busy schedules, to view all of the presentations you had hoped to, or to make full use of the Comments feature. For this reason, we are happy to inform you that we have decided to extend access to the videos and comments for one final week, until November 23 (JST, Japan time).

Presenters, please be sure to check the comments on your own presentation and reply to them if possible.

Warm Regards,

Jeffrey Huffman and Mami Inoue
Conference Co-chairs

(2020/11/17 12:27)

Special Announcement: We are planning three real-time Regional Zoom Gatherings on October 24 in place of what would normally be a Conference Dinner. Please refer to the "IHHC-2020 Regional Zoom Gatherings" menu.
10月24日(土)の夜7時にリアルタイムのZoom Gatheringsをアジア、北米、ヨーロッパで開催いたします。詳細は "IHHC-2020 Regional Zoom Gatherings"メニューよりご確認ください。

(2020/10/09 14:07)

Special Announcement: 2021 Health Humanities Consortium International Conference will be held in a virtual format, March 25-27, 2021. Proposal deadline extended to October 31, 2020. Please refer to the "Link" menu.

(2020/10/08 15:42)

The registration site is now open.

(2020/07/09 17:21)

The 3rd(Final) Call for Papers is closed. Thank you very much for your submission.
We will inform you the result of the review process via E-mail by the end of July.


(2020/07/01 20:04)

The 3rd(Final) Call for Papers is extended until 23:59 UTC-11, June 30, 2020 (19:59 JST, July 1) .

第3期演題募集を6月30日 23:59 UTC-11(日本時間7月1日19:59)まで延長いたします。​

(2020/06/30 18:18)

Greetings to everyone during these trying times. It is clear enough at this point that international travel for conferences should continue to be avoided through the end of this year, at least. However, we have received many meaningful and excellent proposals, and many have commented on the continued and perhaps heightened importance of the health humanities in dealing with a global pandemic. Therefore, we have decided to move the conference to an online format. We plan to ask presenters to prepare videos of their presentations, which can be provided in an on-demand format (with discussion forum capabilities) to conference participants. We have also adjusted the participation fee for Categories B and C, in order to enable as much participation as possible. In the same vein, we have decided to extend the final Call for Papers until the end of June. So, if you were unable to attend because of the trip to Japan or to Tokyo, if you were waiting to see whether the conference would be cancelled or postponed, or if you are engaged in innovative new research or practice related to the ongoing COVID-19 crisis, please, by all means, consider submitting a proposal this month. Together we can overcome this roadblock and make the first-ever online Health Humanities conference a great one!

--Conference Organizing Committee



(2020/06/01 19:11)

"Accepted Presentation Proposals" is updated on the "Program" page.

(2020/04/24 17:43)

"3rd Call for Papers" is now open.

(2020/04/01 10:17)

"Accepted Presentation Proposals" is open on the "Program" page.

(2020/03/12 16:14)

"2nd Call for Papers" is now open.

(2020/02/26 10:25)

"1st Call for Papers" is closed.
Thank you very much for your submission.

(2020/02/03 14:44)

Conference poster (pdf) now available in upper right corner.
Please feel free to print and post.

(2019/12/27 14:52)

"1st Call for Papers" is now open.

(2019/12/05 17:13)

The website is now available.

(2019/11/11 11:56)