第9回 国際ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会




[12] 一般講演

[12-1] Educational program for nurses in rural Japan using narratives of persons with dementia and their families:
A qualitative study

*佐藤 幹代1,2、半澤 節子1、成田 伸1、春山 早苗1 (1. 自治医科大学看護学部(日本)、2. 認定NPO法人健康と病いの語りディペックス・ジャパン(日本))


In Japan, households with elderly persons is increasing, especially dementia person.
In spite of their dementia they are living alone, especially rural area. So we developed more useful nursing educational program using narratives of persons with dementia and their families for nurses in Japanese rural areas.

This study is clarified the learning of nurses who have received the education program using narratives of persons with dementia and their families.

They attended face-to-face group session after accessed the website (https://www.dipex-j.org/dementia/). We analyzed descriptive data by qualitative method.

Through the program, they understood about the following five points.
Understand of various thought and experiences of people with dementia and their families, Recognize of necessity for nursing practice based on narratives, Consider their values and dignity of dementia person and their families, Create another adequate nursing care though their narrative episodes. Recognize of corroborate with community social resource through their families’ experiences

We considered this program is more useful for nurses in rural area, because they could discussion with nurses of different facilities in other region, reflect their nursing experiences, and create another nursing practices through episode of dementia persons and their families.