第9回 国際ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会




[14] 一般講演

[14-4] Situation leading to the abuse of men who care for their wives and mothers

*西尾 美登里1、坂梨 左織2 (1. 日本赤十字九州国際看護大学(日本)、2. 福岡大学(日本))


It is considered that emotional exhaustion appears as abuse to the care recipient, suicide in the care recipient and the caregiver, or ill-treatment of the caregiver itself. To prevent abuse, it is recommended to identify the factors that lead to mental problems. We studies that clarify the situation of men the abuse, which are specialized for men who care for women with dementia.

We surveyed a total of 100 male primary caregivers. 56 men (61.6%) who had or were about to become abused, 44 (48.4%) who had free description of their feelings of abuse were subject to qualitative analysis.

Obtained approval from the Ethics Review Committee of Fukuoka University School of Medicine (2017M40).

The average caregiving period for male caregivers was 103 months, and all felt social difficulties. "Difficulty of communication" and "attack of men by caregivers" were extracted as situations leading to abuse. The "difficulty of communication" subcategory consists of "do not follow instructions" and "repeat the same thing", and the "male caregiver attack" subcategory consists of "attack", "denial", and "exile" Will be done.

When a man takes care of a woman with dementia, the conditions that lead to abuse are thought to result in long-term communication difficulties and social difficulties.