第9回 国際ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会




[2] 招待講演

[2-03] 招待講演

Ensuring Social Resilience: From Humans to Medical and Health Science

山中 燁子 (ケンブリッジ大学中央アジア研究所 シニア外交フェロー / 元衆議院議員)

Political instability as well as various endemic and regional problems can shake the world community at any time and at any place, especially in the post-COVID-19 world. Therefore, renewed attention and urgency must be given to the concept of Preventive Diplomacy, which can be applied not only with regards to war and conflict but also natural disasters and pandemics. In this regard, we need to consider where we are in the tide of history and how to secure non-traditional aspects of security, such as water, food, health, energy, and environmental security. We must also consider how to deal with our aging society, and we must do so from various perspectives, because all developed nations are facing this issue. In order to realize a new world order which produces happy people by respecting humans in harmony with highly advanced medicine, I would like to propose three key phrases: 1. Ensuring Social Resilience, 2. Addressing Common Interests, and 3. Establishing an Age of Balance. In this talk I will also introduce the Japanese concepts of 一病息災 (ichibyou sokusai: “A creaking gate hangs long.”) and 医食同源 (ishokudougen), both of which are consistent with the principles of a health normal diet and medical treatment, and which should be introduced widely in order to create a better world community.