第9回 国際ヘルスヒューマニティーズ学会




[9] 一般講演

[9-4] Makeway Lab: A hospital makerspace to build the self-efficacy of dialysis patients

*John William Waldron1 (1. Queensland University of Technology (QUT)(Australia))


Introduction - This presentation describes a creative, agency focused design response to the experience of treatment for Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD). CKD is increasingly common and with high impact treatment that results in reduced mental health of patients. The Makeway Lab, created by first author Waldron, is designed to facilitate increased mental wellbeing for patients undergoing CKD treatment.

Hemodialysis (HD) is described as both a time-creating and a time-consuming process. People on HD are required to modify their lifestyle, which can affect their quality of life. For many their diagnosis and treatment triggers emotional instability and anxiety and them to devalue themselves and lose their sense of agency and confidence.

These factors point towards a need to improve patient mental health and improve the quality of time during dialysis. The Makeway Lab is a project designed to respond to this situation.

Description - The Makeway Lab is a clinical trial underway that examines the experience of a group of HD patients and their interaction with a purposefully designed mobile makerspace during their treatment. The participants undertake a series of interesting and educative ‘maker’ activities in digital design and 3D printing to improve the quality of their treatment time.

Outcomes - For the participants the project will provide them interesting and engaging activities to stimulate them socially, cognitively and physically. For the hospital the project can account for the social and mental health of the participants and provide an innovative mental health intervention.

Discussion - At a time of growing international acceptance that participation in creative, participatory activity can be beneficial for wellbeing and health, this study provides a unique hospital inquiry that will add to the knowledge addressing HD patients and the in-hospital programs and activities that can assist their social and mental health.