2022 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Oral presentation

R1: Characterization and description of minerals (Joint Session with The Gemmological Society of Japan)

Sun. Sep 18, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:15 PM B251 (Adv. Edu. Res. Bldg. B-2F)

Chairperson:Masanori Kurosawa(Univ. Tsukuba), Ysuyuki Banno(AIST), Koichi Momma(Natl. Museum of Nature and Science)

10:00 AM - 10:15 AM

[R1-05] Morphology and Characterization of large gem quality HPHT-grown synthetic diamond crystals

*Hiroshi Kitawaki1, Kentaro Emori1, Mio Hisanaga1, Masahiro Yamamoto1, Makoto Okano1 (1. Central Gem Laboratory)

Keywords:synthetic diamond, HPHT-grown, identification

In this report, we will introduce about gemological observations on large HPHT-grown synthetic diamond crystals recently made in China. Through careful observations, these products can be confidently identified as synthetics, even if they are cut and polished.