2022 Annual Meeting of Japan Association of Mineralogical Sciences (JAMS)

Presentation information

Oral presentation

R4: Mineral sciences of the Earth surface

Mon. Sep 19, 2022 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM B253 (Adv. Edu. Res. Bldg. E-2F)

Chairperson:Keisuke Fukushi(Kanazawa Univ.), Tadashi Yokoyama(Hiroshima Univ.), Satoshi Utsunomiya(Kyushu Univ.)

9:30 AM - 9:45 AM

[R4-03] Amorphous nanoparticles: clay minerals?

*Katsuhiro Tsukimura1, Kazuko Manpuku1, Yoko Miyoshi1, Masaya Suzuki1, Tetsuichi Takagi1, Shin-ichiro Wada2 (1. AIST, 2. Kyusyu Univ.)

Keywords:amorphous nanoparticles, plasticity, clay minerals, specific surface area, kaolinite

Comparison of several categories of clays shows that specific surface area is proportional to the amount of amorphous nanoparticles. In kaolin and in bentonite, specific surface area is positively correlated with the amount of amorphous nanoparticles. It is known that plasticity is proportional to specific surface area. Therefore, the plasticity of clay is proportional to the amount of amorphous nanoparticles.