The 87th Annual Convention of the Japanese Psychological Association

Session information

Regular Symposium

Regular Symposium » On-site

Are we compatible? The relationship between the psychology of religion & theology/studies in Buddhism

The challenges facing the field of psychology of religion (2)

Fri. Sep 15, 2023 9:00 AM - 11:00 AM Room 7 (5F 504-5)

9:00 AM - 11:00 AM

.企画代表者(Representative Organizer)Kobo Matsushima1, .話題提供者(Speaker)Mayumi Morimoto2, .Yorihiko Kawamura3, .Masafumi Takeda4, .Ryo Kawamura5, .Masahiro Nakao6, .指定討論者(Discussant)Ryo Nishiwaki7, .司会者(Chair)Kobo Matsushima1 (1.The University of Tokyo, 2.Seisen University, 3.Kawamura Counseing Room, TNK LCC, 4.Shin Buddhism sect Kozenji, 5.Aichi prefectural university, 6.Osaka Ohtani university, 7.Nanzan University)




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