.*Jun Nakahara1 (1.Chukyo University)
Session information
Poster Presentation
Poster Presentation (On-site) » Development
Sat. Sep 16, 2023 1:40 PM - 3:40 PM Poster Session Hall
[2C-061-PO] Relationships between indications about memory errors and metamemory in the elderly
Focusing on the content of the error in memory and the reaction after the error was pointed out
.*Aki Shimanouchi1, Akinori Nishimura2, Shinichi Sato3 (1.Tokyo Future University, 2.Tokyo Seitoku University, 3.Osaka University)
[2C-062-PO] Effectiveness of Life-Ending Work (LEW) for Japanese older adults
A randomized controlled trial
.*Daisuke Kawashima1, .*Tomomi Kempe1 (1.Chukyo University)
.*Yasuo Kojima1 (1.Chukyo University)
[2C-064-PO] Causal learning in preschool children:
Preliminary study about cue competition effect
.*Mayuko Hori1, Keitaro Numata2, Ryo Kitano3, Fumi Inoue4, Yoshi Kanki4, Akemi Mizukami2,4 (1.Nara University of Education, 2.Osaka Seikei College , 3.Kyoto Bunkyo University, 4.Osaka Seikei College Komichi Kindergarten)
[2C-065-PO] How do nursery teacher view children's enjoyment and boredom in the lunchtime scene?
Focusing on the eating situation in the infant and toddler classes
.*Yuri Hori(Saito)1, Masako Moriyama1, Tomoko Obara1 (1.Ohkagakuen University)
[2C-066-PO] Development of emotion regulation strategies in childhood
From 5-6 years old to childhood
.*Midori Kazama1, Midemi Hirabayashi2, Mayumi Karasawa2 (1.Odawara Junior College, 2.Tokyo Woman's Christian University)
[2C-067-PO] Intellectual Commitment Activities in Childhood and Later Career
The Association between Genres of Childhood Activities, Sharing with Others and Identity in Adulthood
.*Yuko Amaya1 (1.Nagoya City University)
.*Motofumi Sumiya1,2, Atsushi Senju1,2 (1.Research Center for Child Mental Development, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, 2.United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, Kanazawa University, Hamamatsu University, Chiba University and University of Fukui)
[2C-069-PO] Effects of superiority and inferiority in mid-childhood on characteristics of the Baum test
- A study using a children's competence scale -
.*Sanae Ogura1 (1.Hokkaido Bunkyo University)
[2C-070-PO] Effects of self-efficacy and self-esteem on psychological independence in adolescents.
-From the perspective of parenting behavior perceived by children.-
.*Shiori Someya1, .*Mami Tazoe2 (1.Graduate School of Medical Science, Kitasato University, 2.Integrated Human Studies Department, Japan Lutheran College)
.*Ayaka Yamasaki1, Haruo Fujino1 (1.United Graduate School of Child Development, Osaka University, Kanazawa University, Hamamatsu University School of Medicine, Chiba University and University of Fukui)
.*Yuuya Nagai1, Tadahiro Kanazawa2 (1.Gifu Shotoku Gakuen University, 2.Nara University)
.*Satoshi Nakamura1,2, Hiroyuki SHIMIZU2, Keiko MURAI2 (1.Soai University, 2.Kobe Gakuin University)